Shredded Brussels Sprout and Ricotta Toast

A bright tangle of shredded Brussels sprouts, raisins, and pine nuts tops silky ricotta in this snappy, satisfying toast.
Recipe information
Total Time
55 minutes
12–15 servings
Step 1
Arrange racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 375°F. Arrange bread on 2 rimmed baking sheets and brush with 1/4 cup oil. Toast until lightly browned, 8–10 minutes.
Step 2
Cover raisins with very hot water in a small bowl and let sit until ready to use, at least 5 minutes.
Step 3
Heat a medium skillet over medium-high. Toast pine nuts, stirring often, until browned, 4–6 minutes. Transfer to a small plate; let cool.
Step 4
Whisk shallot, lemon juice, honey, mustard, kosher salt, and 1/4 tsp. pepper in a large bowl. While whisking, stream in remaining 1/4 cup oil.
Step 5
Thinly slice Brussels sprouts with a sharp knife or shred with shredding blade of a food processor. Transfer to bowl with dressing and stir in raisins. Toss to coat and let sit 15 minutes.
Step 6
Spread toasts with ricotta (about 1 Tbsp. each). Fold pine nuts into Brussels sprout mixture just before serving and divide among toasts. Top with lemon zest, pepper, and sea salt.